A Complete Guide to the Different Types of Dentists

Professional dentistry is an intricate area of expertise, and there are several different aspects to it that many might not realize. From general care to more complex surgeries, it takes varying levels of experience and skill to complete these tasks. As such, several kinds of dentists correspond to these roles. This is a complete guide to the different types of dentists and the techniques in which they specialize.

General Dentists

The most common type of dental professional, general dentists, are the individuals that patients will see on a routine basis. They handle standard care, such as cleanings and teeth exams. General dentists can also perform emergency procedures, tooth fillings, crowns, and repairs.

Pediatric Dentists

While like general dentists, pediatric dentists are different in that they know how to work with children. Since the dental office is a nerve-wracking place for younger kids, it takes a bit more patience and care to keep these patients calm. Pediatric dentists have specialized training in working with kids and performing preventative treatments, like tooth sealants and fluoride applications.


Orthodontists, then, are specialists that deal with the overall structure of an individual’s teeth. Upon examining how a person’s teeth align, they perform specific treatments to correct these inconsistencies. This often means the use of braces, aligners, and palate expanders to completely change the look and functionality of the teeth.


Endodontists, on the other hand, work with the tissues inside of the teeth themselves. This collection of nerves and pulp can sustain trauma from cavities and other tooth conditions. As such, it’s the responsibility of the endodontist to perform root canals to ease the infection. They can also remove the root entirely, if needed, with a procedure called an apicoectomy.


With the teeth and their internal tissues taken care of, an individual may see a periodontist to care for the rest of their gums. These professionals primarily focus on the treatment and prevention of gum disease. This may include skin grafting procedures and working with general dentists to create customized treatment plans for patients.

Oral Surgeon

Another different type of dentist to know of is the oral surgeon. Although they’re best-known for performing wisdom-tooth extractions, they deal with any complex oral surgery. Some examples include correcting misaligned jaws, repairing facial trauma following an injury, and taking oral biopsies to look for cancer.


Lastly, prosthodontists craft prosthetics to take the place of a patient’s broken or damaged teeth. These replacements work for both improving the appearance of a person’s smile and efficiently chewing food. So, these professionals work closely with other areas of dentistry as well—such as orthodontists and oral surgeons.

Regardless of what kind of dentistry you pursue, there’s always some risk—both to yourself and your patients. At Baxter & Associates, we provide premium medical malpractice insurance for dentists to protect you from potential damages. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can support you and your practice.

Risk Management Tips for CRNAs

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists take on many responsibilities during a patient’s time at a medical facility—crucially, they deal with the patient’s anesthetics. Because anesthesia is a delicate practice, CRNAs must perform their medical duties in the most professional and tactful fashion. Here are a few of the best risk management tips for CRNAs.

Report All Incidents

The first tip relates to honesty. If your office has a legal department or if you have CRNA malpractice insurance, you should report incidents when they happen. Even if nothing comes of the report and the patient doesn’t pursue legal charges, all parties connected to you and your practice should know.

Educate Yourself

Medicine changes fast and new drugs, procedures, and tests are available each year. As a professional in the sciences, you must stay up to date. You could have access to new anesthetics that you could administer or new testing methods that improve your ability to care for patients. You should also keep up with the change in medical law, specifically the scope of authority the state grants you in your practice. Understanding these nuances can help you mitigate risks.

Manage Consent Forms

Patient consent is vital to successful treatment. Don’t dismiss patients or forget to explain the details of an operation. Always have patients sign consent forms before performing any treatment or procedures and be sure to inform them of other options and alternative methods. The last thing you want to do is to give an anesthetic or assist in a procedure which the patient doesn’t want or can’t fully understand.

Knowing these risk management tips for CRNAs will help you make the most of your career. You’re in it for the long haul, so find the right insurance coverage to secure your future. Give us a call at Baxter & Associates today to find the right CRNA malpractice insurance for you.

The Stages of a Medical Malpractice Case

The legal process involves painstaking attention to detail as it unfolds over a considerable amount of time. Here are all the stages of a medical malpractice case.

Before the Case

While lawsuits take time to develop, organize, and present, they all start somewhere. The first stages of a medical malpractice case begin far before it even becomes a case.

The Malpractice Incident

Every case comes from some precipitating incident. In medical malpractice cases, these incidents involve an act of malpractice toward a patient while under a physician’s care. Physicians are not the only medical professionals who are at risk for a malpractice lawsuit. CRNAs, dentists, PAs, chiropractors, and podiatrists—all of these medical professionals and more could become involved in a malpractice case. This occurs because of the direct contact with a patient.

Any time you interact with or treat a person under your care, you perform a medical service that could harm them if done improperly. Though it may sound a bit apocalyptic, no medical professional is safe from malpractice claims because the services they provide deal with life and death situations. Healing is a tricky business, and one that few know how to perform well—that is why your patient chose your services in the first place. They feel entitled to press malpractice charges because they feel that their treatment did not match their expected care standard.

Insurers and Lawyers

When a patient files a claim, you will receive a notice from the patient and their attorney. This legal document notifies you of their intention and details the incident in question. At this point, you will need to contact your insurer and figure out a plan moving forward. If you don’t have malpractice insurance for healthcare professionals, our team at Baxter & Associates may be able to help.

During the discussion with an insurance agent, you will figure out the financial and legal responsibilities you bear in the situation. Your insurer may also help you find legal counsel whose cost fits within the parameters of your policy. A lawyer will then take over the day-to-day tasks concerning the case.

Consultation With a Lawyer

A lawyer can only work with what they know, so you must set up an initial consultation. In this conversation, you must relay all you can remember about the incident. You should bring along copies of the medical records for the patient’s visit and the lawsuit notice.

Before the consultation, you should set aside time to recall and record all you can remember about the incident. What treatment did you provide? Who was in the room with you? How did the patient interact with you, and what did they say? What kind of follow-up did you perform? You must interrogate yourself and come up with as much detail as possible. Only with all this information in hand can a lawyer make the best decisions going forward.

Research and Preparation

The next activities after you consult with your lawyer have to do with research and preparation. Both sides of the case must coordinate and share relevant information.


While the initial consultation allows you to share all relevant information and details with your lawyer, it does not fully encompass the situation. There will be more data to gather and testimonies to hear. So, your lawyer will embark on a journey of investigation, turning over every stone and collecting all relevant information. Throughout the investigation process, your attorney may ask for more documents from you, so prepare yourself for any incoming requests.


Discovery is an interesting part of the legal process. Both sides of the case need information that only the other party holds. Discovery is the unique opportunity for a transfer of relevant information to bolster their case and deepen their understanding of past events. The plaintiff and defendant will request documents from each other during this time.

The Deposition

Discovery involves more than trading hard copies of records. There is also a meeting where each party cross-examines the other. As the medical professional, you will attend a deposition where the plaintiff’s lawyers will question you under oath. The plaintiff will not be there, just their lawyers. The same thing will happen for the plaintiff, so your lawyers can better understand the patient’s situation. You must answer the lawyer’s questions about the treatment, errors, and issues that arose during the past event.

Meetings and Decisions

The last stages of medical malpractice cases have to do with meetings in offices and courtrooms. The culmination of these conversations will lead to final decisions and a closed case.


After both sides have the information they need from each other, the case can move one step closer to resolution. One of the most critical steps is negotiation. You and your attorney will decide on reasonable compensation that matches the patient’s claim, typically in the form of a financial settlement. The plaintiff will explain their number and expectations, giving you the chance to negotiate in return.

At this point, you have two options. On the one hand, you can accept their offer or the number you agreed upon and settle the case right then and there. On the other hand, you may believe the plaintiff is asking for an unreasonable amount, and you might choose not to budge. In this case, your suit would go to trial.


If your case goes to trial, you leave the fate of your case in the hands of a jury. The trial will include presentations and arguments before a jury of your peers. The lawyers will hash out their thoughts while pulling witnesses and experts in to testify. Should the jury decide the plaintiff deserves compensation, you must award money damages to the other party.

Knowing the stages of a medical malpractice case can help you better prepare yourself for your malpractice lawsuit. Though every medical professional works in a slightly different capacity, it never hurts to have protection from financial and vocational risks. If you need medical malpractice insurance, reach out to us at Baxter & Associates. Our team is ready and available to answer any questions you have about malpractice insurance and malpractice cases.

The Stages of a Medical Malpractice Case