
Malpractice vs. Negligence: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the legal concepts of malpractice and negligence is crucial in the healthcare profession. These terms often intertwine, yet they hold distinct meanings and implications for medical professionals, including doctors, dentists, and CRNAs. Let’s clear up any confusion about the differences between malpractice and negligence. We’ll provide you with definitions and examples that will help … Continue reading Malpractice vs. Negligence: What’s the Difference?

The Most Common Causes of Chiropractic Malpractice Claims

Malpractice claims are, unfortunately, part of the healthcare industry. Let’s look at the most common causes of chiropractic malpractice claims so chiropractors can learn how to avoid them and provide top-notch care to their patients. The Elements of Medical Malpractice Before we explore the most common types of negligence claims against chiropractors, it’s worth reviewing … Continue reading The Most Common Causes of Chiropractic Malpractice Claims

A Look at the Evolution of Anesthesiology Over Time

Every year, more than 40 million patients in North America experience anesthesia in some form, according to the National Institutes of Health. And this number seems to increase every year. Peering through the annals of history, we can see the paramount role of anesthesiology in the progression of modern medicine. This silent yet pivotal science … Continue reading A Look at the Evolution of Anesthesiology Over Time

The Importance of a Positive Nurse-Patient Relationship

When seeing and interacting with so many patients in one day, it can be easy for nurses to consider patients just another name on a chart. However, a positive nurse-patient relationship is important for both the nurse and the patient. We explain how a positive relationship with patients benefits nurses below. Better Patient-Nurse Communication Communication … Continue reading The Importance of a Positive Nurse-Patient Relationship

The Impact of Malpractice Claims on Nurse Practitioners

Medical malpractice casts a looming shadow over nurse practitioners in the healthcare industry. Industry professionals must understand medical malpractice and its effect on themselves and their work. Let’s look closely at the impact of malpractice claims on nurse practitioners. The Quiet Financial Burden on Nurse Practitioners The financial side of medical malpractice might go overlooked … Continue reading The Impact of Malpractice Claims on Nurse Practitioners

Steps To Take After Receiving a Malpractice Claim

No healthcare professional anticipates the daunting arrival of a malpractice claim, yet these claims are not uncommon in an industry driven by extraordinary stakes and outcomes. Receiving such a claim is a pivotal moment that can shape the future of a medical practice or a healthcare provider’s career. Below, we detail the steps healthcare professionals … Continue reading Steps To Take After Receiving a Malpractice Claim

How To Comfort and Reassure Anxious Patients

In health care, the human element is as crucial as medical science. This is especially true in the context of patient anxiety, a common and powerful emotional response that can greatly impact the care process. For the health-care professional, accommodating and addressing patient anxiety is essential to promote the best possible outcomes for those in … Continue reading How To Comfort and Reassure Anxious Patients

An Overview of the Different Types of Chiropractic Care

In their pursuits of holistic health and wellness, more individuals are turning to chiropractic care. This branch of alternative medicine focuses on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints, which are believed to cause other disorders by affecting the nerves, muscles, and organs. Whether you’re a chiropractor considering what type of treatment … Continue reading An Overview of the Different Types of Chiropractic Care

5 Ways IoT Is Advancing the Medical Industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) stands out as a beacon of innovation in an era of interconnected technologies continually reshaping the healthcare landscape. The impact of IoT on healthcare is growing, with implications ranging from personalized patient care to the security of sensitive health information. Below, we explore pivotal ways IoT is advancing the medical … Continue reading 5 Ways IoT Is Advancing the Medical Industry

A Look at the Statute of Limitations on Malpractice Claims

The statute of limitations is important for negligence cases, especially medical malpractice cases. Below, we look at the statute of limitations on malpractice claims and other important legal rules regarding negligence cases, such as mediation and payout limits. What Is the Statute of Limitations? The statute of limitations is the law that designates the maximum … Continue reading A Look at the Statute of Limitations on Malpractice Claims
