4 “Cs” of Medical Malpractice Prevention
Jul 28 2023Medical malpractice suits are always a concern for medical professionals. Below, we explain the four “Cs” of medical malpractice prevention that each medical professional should know to avoid malpractice cases.
Compassion or caring should be self-explanatory for anyone in the medical profession who wants to help people. Doctors and nurses must sympathize with and show concern for their patients to help create a bond of trust.
One of the most common complaints and catalysts of medical malpractice claims against nurses or doctors is that the patient felt ignored or that the medical professional didn’t care about them. Take the time to go the extra mile with a patient and be honest with them to create a more compassionate yet professional relationship.
Communication is another critical factor in medical malpractice prevention. Communication encompasses verbal and non-verbal contact between medical professionals and between the medical professional and the patient.
Communication with a patient is critical, as the patient must feel their doctor or nurse is listening and giving them plenty of opportunities to ask questions as they review the problem and course of treatment, so they understand what’s happening. Communication between staff is also critical, as miscommunication or delayed communication can cause a domino effect that negatively impacts the patient’s health and causes harm.
Obviously, a medical professional must be competent if they want to avoid medical malpractice claims. A doctor or nurse should realize when a situation is outside their purview and recommend a patient to someone more competent when needed.
But the competence of malpractice prevention is also about staying capable in their position. The medical industry changes so often that doctors and nurses must constantly stay up-to-date with their training and education, so as not to use outdated practices and technology on the patients, potentially causing harm.
Charting is perhaps the most important factor in malpractice prevention and can be the easiest strategy. Proper documentation is critical to competent treatment and provides a detailed written record of the patient’s medical history.
A doctor needs quality documentation to adequately treat a patient, as it can cause significant harm if something’s missing or incorrect. The chart is often a key piece of evidence, so it’s crucial to ensure it’s accurate and up-to-date if a medical malpractice case goes to court.
Even if you follow every strategy of malpractice prevention, you may still be hit with a malpractice claim. Baxter & Associates can help medical professionals find specialized policies, like CRNA liability insurance. Contact our staff if you have medical malpractice questions or need a professional liability policy today.