Opening a medical clinic, like any small business, is a massive undertaking that’s difficult for many people—especially for those who know only the medical side of a practice. If you’re thinking of starting a medicine practice, our key tips below will help your clinic begin on the right foot toward becoming functional and profitable. Obtain … Continue reading 5 Key Tips for Starting a Functional Medicine Practice
At Baxter & Associates, we service many healthcare professionals—including orthodontists—and help them find comprehensive and affordable malpractice insurance. We’ll explain why orthodontists need malpractice insurance like any other healthcare provider. Orthodontists Are as Liable as Physicians While dentistry and orthodontics may not seemingly have the same stakes as physicians and their treatment, an orthodontist can … Continue reading Why Orthodontists Need Malpractice Insurance
Much is misunderstood about malpractice insurance, like what a liability insurance policy covers. Does malpractice insurance cover criminal charges? We answer that question and more regarding malpractice insurance below. No, Criminal Charges Are Not Covered by Malpractice Insurance Healthcare professionals must understand the difference between criminal charges and a malpractice lawsuit. Criminal charges are remedied … Continue reading Does Malpractice Insurance Cover Criminal Charges?
Risk assessment is an integral part of insurance. Insurance carriers categorize potential policies by risk, affecting premiums, coverage, and all other parts of the policy. In this guide, we’ll examine the risk classifications for malpractice insurance, explain the elements of a successful malpractice lawsuit, and more. How Risks Are Classified in Malpractice Insurance When attaining … Continue reading What Are The Risk Classifications for Malpractice Insurance
There are many facets to insurance policies that may confuse those unfamiliar, such as the deductible. If you’re having trouble understanding your malpractice insurance policy’s deductible, let us help with our brief explainer on the basics of malpractice policies and deductibles. What Is an Insurance Deductible? What is an insurance deductible, and why is it … Continue reading Understanding Your Malpractice Insurance Policy’s Deductible
When it comes to insurance, especially malpractice insurance, there are many aspects of the policy that the insured individual should be familiar with. One of the most important components of any insurance policy is the deductible. Malpractice insurance deductibles are different than the typical deductibles found in other policies, such as those for home or … Continue reading How Deductibles Are Structured on Malpractice Insurance
A malpractice lawsuit can have a significant impact on a healthcare professional’s career. Even if the lawsuit is ultimately dismissed or the clinician is found not liable, the experience of going through a malpractice suit can be stressful and time-consuming and can have lasting effects on their professional reputation and career prospects. The rise of … Continue reading How Does a Malpractice Lawsuit Impact Your Career?
Informed consent is one of the most fundamental principles of healthcare. If you plan on working in the industry or want to learn more, we explain what every healthcare worker should know about informed consent below. Informed Consent, Defined First, let’s define informed consent and why it is important. Informed consent is the communication process … Continue reading What You Should Know About Informed Consent in Healthcare
Informed consent is a part of the job that all CRNAs need to know. Below, we’ll explain the basics of informed consent, its elements, and how it relates to the duties of CRNAs. What Is Informed Consent? Informed consent is one of the fundamental ethical principles in modern medicine and guarantees a patient’s right to … Continue reading What CRNAs Need To Know About Informed Consent
As the primary care professional for many Americans, nurse practitioners can be the targets of malpractice claims just as physicians. We’ll list some of the most common malpractice claims that target nurse practitioners, from diagnosis errors to prescription mistakes. Failure To Diagnose Most malpractice claims targeting nurse practitioners (NPs) involve the diagnosis in some way, … Continue reading 4 Common Malpractice Claims Against Nurse Practitioners